Author Cloudapp

Next.js 14 / SEO - Combine Pagination with Infinite Scroll

June 26, 2024
Table of Contents

In a previous story, I highlighted the use of infinite scrolling to improve the UX of your blog or website. However, as we know, Google Crawler is not a big fan of such features because it can’t use Javascript. Therefore, we need to add a crawler-friendly solution to find and index all pages properly.

Here is the GitHub repo with the full code, where you can see the two new components.

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Why You Should Use Pagination in Next.js for SEO

Using pagination in Next.js for SEO has several benefits. Here are some reasons why pagination is important and how it can improve SEO:

1. Improved Crawling Efficiency

Search engine crawlers like Googlebot have a limited crawl budget per website. Pagination helps guide the crawler efficiently through your site's content by breaking large amounts of data into manageable sections. This allows search engine crawlers to discover and index more content on your site.

2. Enhanced User Experience (UX)

A well-implemented pagination significantly improves the user experience by allowing users to easily navigate through large volumes of content. A better user experience can indirectly influence SEO rankings since search engines prefer websites that offer a positive user experience.

Utils File for Pagination

Let’s start with the creation of a new pagination.ts utils file under src/utils

New Pagination Component

I will use the utils file within the new component pagination.component.tsx. I will use the “usePathname” and “useSearchParams” import to get the page Searchparam from the URL, which I need to identify the current page.

Integration of new Pagination Component into existing ArticleTileGrid Component

In this example, I use the “load more” functionality besides the pagination to show the use of server actions, but you can uncomment the corresponding parts in the src/components/contentful/ArticleTileGrid.tsx to make the infinite scroll work. There are three parts.

New Skeleton for Suspense

I created a skeleton file under src/components/pagination called skeleton.component.tsx

Integration in page.tsx

New Imports

New Interface SearchParamsProps and adaption of PageProps Interface

Change Props main function

Defining Const for fetch and currentpage

Modifying Contentful GraphQL-Query

Usage of Suspense and the Skeleton

Complete page.tsx Code

page.tsx (Home) under src/app/[locale]/page.tsx

Final Result

Pagination Component
Pagination Component

Cloudapp-dev, and before you leave us

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