Author Cloudapp

Next.js 14 -Algolia search with native HighLight and snippet components

August 11, 2024
Table of Contents

In the last story, we used the native Algolia Widgets for React (Hits, SearchBox, RefinementList, and DynamicWidgets). Now we will do a deep dive into the last two (“HighLight” and “Snippet”), which we did not use in the first step.

Here is the GitHub repo with the entire code. Below, you will find the link to the example page.

Example page hosted on Vercel ->

Used Stack

I will start with my default stack:

  • Next.js 14 as the web framework, and I will use the provided middleware edge function

  • TailwindCss for Styling

  • Contentful CMS (Free Plan)

  • Algolia as Search-Engine

  • Vercel for hosting

RefinementList Widget

I forgot one detail in the last story (linked above). The parameter attribute={attribute} defines the used attribute. In our case we used “tags”. limit defines the max number of visualized refinement entries (tags). showmore defines if we want show or not the “ShowMore” Button if there are more entries as we specified in limit and showMoreLimit defines the max number of refinement entries that will be visualized.

NPM Packages

We don’t need any new package since we already installed the Npm package “react-instantsearch”, which includes all that we need. Now, we need the highlight and snippet widget from this package.

We can remove both imports from the main Algolia component, leaving only Hits, SearchBox, RefinementList, and DynamicWidgets. The rest of the code is fine.

Here, we only change one line so that we can use an Env-Variable for the Index Name.

Complete code after the change

Integration of HighLight and Snippet in CardAlgolia Component

As a first step, we have to import the Widgets

then we replace the old Interface declaration with a new Type declaration, where we use “AlgoliaHit”, which was imported as well.

With the new type in place, we can integrate our new widgets.

Complete Code

Algolia Configuration

We have to adapt the Algolia Index Configuration so that the widgets show the data.

Highlight Attributes

Here, we can go with the default setup so that all attributes marked as searchable are highlighted.


Snippet Attributes

Select the attribute for the snippet. ShortDescription or Description are default values that you can or should use.


Cloudapp-dev, and before you leave us

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