Algolia and Next.js 14 — Easy Integration as On-Site-Search at no cost
Every Blog needs a lightning-fast search and content filtering. Let’s use one of the best services in the market and combine it with a nice-looking Tag Cloud delivered in Milliseconds.
Next.js 14 -Algolia search with native HighLight and snippet components
Now, we will examine the last two widgets (“HighLight” and “Snippet”), which we did not use in our previous post, where the focus was on SearchBox, Hits, and RefinementList.
Extended content sync from Contentful to Algolia with Next.js 14
Enrich Contentful payload from webhook with Next.js 14 routes to push the needed data to Algolia. Extract Json from Rich-Text field to index the right content.
Next.js 14 -Advanced Search Integration with Algolia UI Libraries (Widgets)
In this follow-up story, I will show you how to easily integrate the Algolia Instant search into your existing Next.js 14 project. We will also use custom styling with TailwindCss.
Contentful and Next.js 14 - Easy Creation & Integration of New Content Types for Landing Pages
Every Blog needs a nice-looking landing page. This step-by-step guide will add two new content types in Contentful and show the newly added data on our Next.js 14 blog project.
Nextjs Content Management, Quo Vadis?
You plan to start a new business where you need to present your new products to a broader audience on a marketing website. Here you will find a complete guide.
Next.js 14 -Data model extension and Contentful data sync with API route
We will walk through the process of a complete data re-sync between Contentful and Algolia with two Custom API Routes in Nextjs 14, and we will extend the Algolia Data Model.