Next.js 14 - Complete Example - Typescript / Tailwindcss / Contentful - Part 2
Let's dig deeper and build a nice UI on our Nextjs foundation with the help of Tailwindcss/Contentful
Next.js 14 - Complete Example - Header / Footer / Tailwindcss / Contentful - Part 3
Now we have reached part 3 and we will add a header and a footer component, as well as the so-called draft/preview functionality offered by Contentful. Not to forget the nowadays mandatory dark mode toggle.
Next.js 14 - Flyout menus with TailwindCSS & Contentful - Part 2
In the previous story, we created the components for the flyout menu and did the basic integration. Now, we will connect the menu with our headless CMS Contentful.
Next.js 14 -Building Flyout Menu with TailwindCSS in minutes
Building a flyout menu with Tailwind CSS is advantageous due to its utility-first approach. This approach offers flexibility and speeds up development by using pre-defined classes
Next.js 14 -Advanced Analytics with new Styles, and new Widgets - Part 2
In this post, we will proceed with our analytics dashboard. We will add new styling with TailwindCss and new Widgets to our Dashboard, which we created in our existing Nextjs 14 project.
Next.js 14 - Complete Example - Custom 404 Page / Loading UI / TailwindCss (ExtraColors) — Part 4
In Part 4 we are going to add a custom 404 page, a loading UI (SVG Spinner) and we add some extra colors to our tailwind.config.ts
Next.js 14 - Working with Contentful Tags and TailwindCss
Contentful offers a great tagging system. I will show you how we can use it to cluster content by tags and expose new " tag pages," with the related content
Next.js 14 - Create fancy animations in seconds with TailwindCss
Some months ago, when I was working on a project, the Idea came up to animate the button so that it shows “bouncing dots” as long as the process in the background was not finished.
Next.js 14 - File upload with Dropzone, styled with TailwindCss
Let's build a nice-looking upload form with Next.js 14. We will integrate a dropzone and the capability to upload multiple files simultaneously with a fancy upload progress bar.
Next.js 14 — Sync Neon.Tech Postgres DB with Azure AI Search
In the fast-evolving world, connecting and synchronizing data across various platforms is key. This article will guide you through connecting a Neon.Tech Postgres database to Azure AI Search
Next.js 14 / Contentful- Professional Syntax Highlighting
I will reuse the component I created in the previous story combined with the headless CMS Contentful. So I can create my Content within Contentful and use Next.js 14 for the visualization
Next.js 14 - Advanced Syntax / Code Highlighting
You can use different approaches to integrate code blocks on your blog or website (TailwindCSS, etc.). I came across a modern approach to syntax highlighting and discovered Shiki
Next.js 14 -Advanced Analytics with Tinybird and integrated Dashboard
We introduce the platform Tinybird and integrate the provided Javascript Snippet for the data collection. Then, we integrate the Analytic Dashboard into our existing Nextjs 14 project.
Next.js 14 — Building a SaaS Solution on Azure (Storage Accounts etc.) — Part 4
In this final part of our series on building a SaaS solution using Next.js 14 and Azure, we will focus on the critical aspect of managing Azure Storage Accounts.
Next.js 14 / Upstash Kafka - Handmade High-Performance Analytics
Due to its serverless architecture, Upstash Kafka is an ideal solution for website analytics. It offers high throughput and low latency, crucial for real-time data processing.
Next.js 14 - How to Use Contentful Environments and Aliases
In this story, I will show you how to use Contentful Environments and Aliases in your Nextjs 14 project. Environments are a great way to change your project's data structure.
Azure AD B2C/Prisma ORM - Data control via REST - Part 2
I will show you how you can delete and/or update your data within the Azure AD B2C Directory and your PostgreSQL DB at with ease using Prisma ORM/REST
How to speed up your Next.js 14 website and improve your SEO ranking
Page speed is a significant ranking factor for search engines. Next.js offers various features to improve your site’s loading times like optimized image loading.
Next.js 14 - Consent Management & Analytics for free
Consent Management can be expensive and complex, but with the right tools and guides, it's a no-brainer. This story will guide you through it powered by Piwik.
Next.js 14 -Algolia search with native HighLight and snippet components
Now, we will examine the last two widgets (“HighLight” and “Snippet”), which we did not use in our previous post, where the focus was on SearchBox, Hits, and RefinementList.