Contentful - Headless CMS with GraphQL

Table of Contents

What is Contentful

Contentful is a headless CMS platform that integrates great with new modern web frameworks.

It's an intelligent composable content platform that enables both technical and non-technical users to easily create, manage, publish, and expand content experiences for any digital channel.

Content, Speed, and easy integration (Graphql) with Nextjs

Contentful has a very generous free plan and there are ready-to-go NPM packages for the integration into web frameworks like Nextjs.

Integrations & Apps for Graphql, Algolia, etc

There are a lot of integrations that you can use to sync your content with Algolia or to play around with Graphql or you can show the progress of your blog post on Google Analytics within the CMS.

Build your first blog on top of Contentful and Next.js

In many tutorials, we use Contentful together with Next.js as a foundation for a new blog or website. It's a great fit and offers all that you need. Give it a try.

Topic related Posts - 10


Contentful Headless CMS — Managing Content via REST

There are several ways to manage content (Creating, updating, deleting, and delivering content). Let’s do a deep dive into this CMS's REST capabilities.

Author Cloudapp
September 19, 2024
Contentful Environments

Next.js 14 - How to Use Contentful Environments and Aliases

In this story, I will show you how to use Contentful Environments and Aliases in your Nextjs 14 project. Environments are a great way to change your project's data structure.

Author Cloudapp
August 28, 2024

Next.js 14 -Data model extension and Contentful data sync with API route

We will walk through the process of a complete data re-sync between Contentful and Algolia with two Custom API Routes in Nextjs 14, and we will extend the Algolia Data Model.

Author Cloudapp
August 13, 2024

Next.js 14 -Algolia search with native HighLight and snippet components

Now, we will examine the last two widgets (“HighLight” and “Snippet”), which we did not use in our previous post, where the focus was on SearchBox, Hits, and RefinementList.

Author Cloudapp
August 11, 2024

Next.js 14 -Advanced Search Integration with Algolia UI Libraries (Widgets)

In this follow-up story, I will show you how to easily integrate the Algolia Instant search into your existing Next.js 14 project. We will also use custom styling with TailwindCss.

Author Cloudapp
August 7, 2024
Tinybird part2

Next.js 14 -Advanced Analytics with new Styles, and new Widgets - Part 2

In this post, we will proceed with our analytics dashboard. We will add new styling with TailwindCss and new Widgets to our Dashboard, which we created in our existing Nextjs 14 project.

Author Cloudapp
August 2, 2024

Next.js 14 -Advanced Analytics with Tinybird and integrated Dashboard

We introduce the platform Tinybird and integrate the provided Javascript Snippet for the data collection. Then, we integrate the Analytic Dashboard into our existing Nextjs 14 project.

Author Cloudapp
July 29, 2024
Flyout part2

Next.js 14 - Flyout menus with TailwindCSS & Contentful - Part 2

In the previous story, we created the components for the flyout menu and did the basic integration. Now, we will connect the menu with our headless CMS Contentful.

Author Cloudapp
July 23, 2024

Next.js 14 -Building Flyout Menu with TailwindCSS in minutes

Building a flyout menu with Tailwind CSS is advantageous due to its utility-first approach. This approach offers flexibility and speeds up development by using pre-defined classes

Author Cloudapp
July 20, 2024

Next.js 14 / Contentful- Professional Syntax Highlighting

I will reuse the component I created in the previous story combined with the headless CMS Contentful. So I can create my Content within Contentful and use Next.js 14 for the visualization

Author Cloudapp
July 15, 2024